Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pinterest Obsession

So, yet again, more time has passed than anticipated between my posts.  I'm happy to report that my mood has definitely improved since my last post and I'm not feeling so down in the dumps.  I really hate when I get like that, but unfortunately, there's not a whole lot I can do about it aside from hanging on for the ride and just going with the flow.  Sometimes I can expect to feel down at certain times of the year, due to some connection with my mom, but then there are other times when feelings can just hit me completely out of the blue, and those are the ones that are hardest to deal with, because I don't see them coming and I have limited control over how long they last.  I guess it's just all part of the grieving process, or so I've heard.  I have read too many blogs, especially many focused on weight loss, that have an overall sad feeling, and I don't want my blog to be one of those. I'm generally a pretty happy and upbeat person and I have been told that my personality often comes through in my posts, which honestly, makes me glad. However, because I do still have my down days (like any person), and because depression is a side-effect of having weight loss surgery, I suppose it's to be expected.  Which means, you are all at my mercy and will have to suffer along with me!  Bwa-ha-ha-ha!  <-- Super evil laugh

I wish I could say that the reason why I haven't been writing as much is due to the fact that I've been jet-setting all over the country and world; seeing fabulous new places and lounging on exotic beaches, but unfortunately, that's not the truth.  The main reason I have been absent is because when I'm not working, and even sometimes when I am working (sorry to any of my bosses who might be reading this! LOL) I have been trying to get my wedding details under control.  We just passed the 4 month mark in the countdown and even though I'm in a good place, I'm still freaking out a little bit.  Luckily, I have pretty much all of the major things underway.  Most of the deposits have been put down and overall ideas have been discussed, but now we are getting into the nitty-gritty of everything.  It's nice to know that I have the really big things under control, however, I didn't realize how many little details there actually are that need to be taken care of.  The good thing is that for the wedding, along with obviously celebrating our marriage, we are also focusing on just having a good time with friends and family, so we really aren't going overboard with anything, yet sometimes it can still all be pretty overwhelming.  Luckily though, I'm surrounded by good friends, some who are in my wedding party and some who aren't, who offer a great support system and have all gone above and beyond to make me realize that I need to take time to step back and relax.  That, and I recently saw this fantastic movie:

The Avengers...which happens to have my boyfriend in it....

Thor....aka Chris Hemsworth....aka The God of Sexy


I'm sorry...what was I saying?  Oh yeah, things that have been occupying my time.  :)

I think one of the scariest things about the wedding being so close is how expensive everything is.  My fiance and I are on a pretty strict budget and are definitely people who live paycheck to paycheck, which means that finding the money needed to pay for everything can be a little daunting at times.  We are lucky though because not only are our parents helping us out however they can (both financially and emotionally), but also one of the good things about working in the field that I do (Education) is that I work predominantly with women, which means I get a lot of suggestions and ideas on how best to have a wedding while on a budget, along with numerous ways to cut corners and costs.  I even have three different coworkers who are actually going to play very significant parts in my wedding:  Pat will be our officiant/wedding choreographer/vow writing helper, Pam is making all 200 of our pumpkin cupcakes, and Dave will be the DJ.  How can the Big Day go wrong with so many great people helping me out?  It's a good feeling to personally know many of the people I will be working with for the wedding, and I haven't even listed them all here, because I know that these people will have my desires and happiness at heart and will therefore be there to help me every step of the way.  That is definitely a good feeling. 

And while speaking of the wedding, have any of you checked out yet?  If you haven't, you need to, like now.  It's an amazing website that basically helps you organize and plan your entire life...and who doesn't need that?  I was first introduced to it by a friend who told me I "needed" to use it in order to help me plan my wedding and how she wished it was around when she got married.  I can use all the help I can get, so I checked it out and have been hooked ever since.  I started off creating a "board" for just wedding ideas and bouquet samples and now, less than a year later, I have 33 boards and 2,281 pins!  I think I'm an addict!  Each pin is basically a picture and a link to a website for all kinds of different ideas; some may be for wedding gowns, some for recipes, some for do-it-yourself crafts, and some are just for fashion and jewelry.  There's literally something for everyone and it's an easy way to sit down at your computer and have 2 hours pass by without your even knowing it because you're just so entranced by all the possibilities at your fingertips.  I have found a lot of ideas for my wedding on this site and what's great is that people will also post all of kinds of helpful suggestion pins too:

This pin is a collage of ideas for a fall wedding

This pin showcases the Bridal Emergency Kit, for all things needed by a bride on her wedding day.  A must-have for all Maids of  Honor

And this one is the unfortunate sad reality lol 

I could have easily showcased MANY more pins here, but I think you should all just go check the site out for yourselves.  I warn you, it can be a *tad* overwhelming at first, and it can take a while to get the hang of everything, but it's worth figuring out; I promise!  And for those of you who might be wondering why I'm pushing Pinterest on you, no, it's not because I have stock in them or have recently started doing web work for them lol, they are simply a great website that I'm totally in love with, and I am a firm believer of passing good things on to other people.'re welcome!  :)

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